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Organic gardening emphasizes the use of natural methods and processes to grow fruits.

One common challenge that organic gardeners face is the infestation of pests like snails and slugs. These molluscs can cause significant damage to a wide range of plants, as they feed on leaves, flowers, and fruits. However, the ethos of organic gardening steers away from chemical solutions, advocating instead for ecological balance and natural pest control methods.

To prevent snails from overtaking a garden, consider implementing a variety of strategies that work in harmony with nature. The first line of defence is to encourage biodiversity by attracting natural predators of snails, such as birds, toads, and ground beetles. Installing bird feeders and nesting boxes, as well as creating a small pond for amphibians, can help bolster the population of these beneficial creatures.

Physical barriers also play a critical role in deterring snails. Copper tape applied around the base of planters can act as a deterrent due to its reaction with the snails’ mucus, creating a sensation they avoid. Similarly, sharp materials like crushed eggshells, diatomaceous earth, or pine needles spread around plants can make it difficult for snails to reach the plants they intend to eat.